Little Known Components: Air Suspension

Whether you’re looking to have the coolest car on the block, the ability to alter your ride level on the fly, or better load carrying capabilities, it’s time to look into getting an air suspension system.

An air suspension system replaces conventional springs with air springs. These air springs are basically bags inflated to a specific pressure or height with an outside compressor via a valve on the bag. An air suspension system offers five key benefits as outlined in Hot Rod. Read on to learn more from our team at DCH Millburn Audi.

Adjustability. Anyone who’s ever had the pleasure of spending weeks adjusting and fine tuning springs and shocks in order to get the “perfect” ride would have gladly traded a platinum wrench (which may have ended up thrown through a garage window out of frustration) for an air suspension system. Because an air suspension system provides a lot more room for error when it comes to height, load, and rate, you can get the system fine-tuned in much less time, even on the fly.

Handling. In additional to being super cool, an air suspension system provides superior handling. They’re progressive, which means the more they compress, the stiffer they get. Combined with the aforementioned enhanced adjustability, you’ve got yourself enormous performance potential.

Customization. Everyone has his or her own idea of what a perfect ride feels like. With an air suspension system, the way your car handles can be accommodated with little or no component changes. A wide range of riding styles can be achieved by a simple adjustment of air pressure and shock valving.

Height. If those who switched from conventional suspension systems to air suspension systems were honest, quite a few would admit they got an air suspension system because they wanted to look cool. The cool continuum runs the spectrum between low riders or mini-trucks to the more common driver who simply wants to lower his or her ride for a unique look. Most air suspension kits put the vehicle several inches below standard vehicle heights and usually can be adjusted up for normal driving, filling it up with gas, or rolling it onto a truck bed.

Load carrying. Although air suspension systems are more commonly associated with young men trying to impress young ladies on a Saturday night with their sweet new ride, air suspension systems were originally designed for commercial use. More specifically, they were designed to help 18-wheelers carry more of a load while providing more comfort for the driver.

If this heretofore little known vehicle component intrigues you, check with our dealership service department to learn more about your options.

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